About Me

Welcome to my corner of the universe where I am cultivating spaces for you to feel encouraged along your own unique healing journey!

I am a mother of four, an EFT Practitioner, Mindset Transformation Coach, content creator, musician and former host of Women’s Weekly Wellness Wednesdays.

After struggling for decades with the debilitating symptoms that accompanied a growing list of diagnoses (Multiple Sclerosis, Dysautonomia, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Anxiety, to name a few) I set out on a journey of intention and deep healing that ultimately led to me taking my life and health back into my own hands.

Simply put? Life has never been the same…in all of the best ways.

A self-proclaimed Energy Enthusiast, I am passionate about providing therapeutic services to empower you on your own journey to wellness.

May you be inspired to believe in your innate ability to nurture and heal your mind, body, and soul by gently uncovering, intentionally recovering & excitedly discovering all that awaits you!

Thank you for being here…

-Becchi Lee

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

Anais Nin